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Chub Stewart

By Ed Hruska

April 3, 2024

Over time we lose those close and important to us. It is a time of sadness but also a time to reflect. The recent loss of Howard “Chub” Stewart strikes numerous emotions for me – mostly of gratefulness and honor.

I am grateful for the years Chub shared his knowledge and vision with me as the then Executive Director of the Rochester Amateur Sports Commission (RASC). Hired in the fall of 2002, I was the first full-time employee. My hire, along with numerous other things happening during those times, was all a part of the vision of Chub and other board members.

In the late 1980’s RASC began as a group of volunteers who believed that Rochester should put together an organization that could attract and host amateur sporting events that would provide an economic impact to the community (I will be writing about several of these events over the next many months). It began with no funding, no office, no staff, only a team of dedicated volunteers and their vision. Their efforts were noticed and soon some funding followed.

I am honored because Chub shared so much with me and he inspired me to want to excel and to achieve his goals. In addition to our monthly board of director meetings, Chub regularly sat with me and shared documents and past experiences. I still have folders full of transparencies and brochures from his early days of organizing and building a vision. In fact, I still have notes from one of our first meetings dated 1/21/03. Here are a few of the items from those notes:

1) We (RASC) need quality and dedicated board members. I have lived by this and in my 20+ years of being Director I have always surrounded the organization with knowledgeable and dedicated people, both when at RASC and now with the Rochester Sports Foundation.

2) When we run events focus on attention to detail and make the awards ceremonies special and memorable for those being honored. This was shared with staff and volunteers at all RASC events. Numerous times I received thanks from family and friends for going above and beyond to make those events memorable.

3) We need a core of repeat hosted events we can rely on. RASC staff created or worked in support of local groups to host annual events including Rochester Cup Volleyball, Clash Wrestling, Frostbite Volleyball, RCYBA Basketball, MNUSA Wrestling, Northland Wrestling, NJCAA - Softball, Volleyball and Wrestling, Return of the Robin Hockey, Firecracker Baseball, MYSA Soccer and the Rochester Area Sports Banquet. By having annual events we maintain a base business which enables us to attract other events creating very productive years.

4) RASC needed to maintain its autonomy. Over the years there were pushed to merge and while we have worked closely with the RCVB/Experience Rochester, RASC has maintained its own board, mission and staff. Chub wanted to be sure we kept it that way.

5) I starred the next one – he saw the day where we would not only have a flourishing organization – but one where it grew to enough work and events to justify a staff of five employees. When I left RASC in 2018 we had five staff members and Rochester Sports (renamed from RASC) still does.

His overall vision was spot on – sports tourism has grown by leaps and bounds over the past three decades – now up to $40B in direct spending in the US annually.

There are many more notes but I believe the ones I have shared exemplify the knowledge and vision Chub had for building a successful sports organization in Rochester. In 2010 and 2015 the Rochester Amateur Sports Commission was selected by the National Association of Sports Commissions as “Sports Commission of the Year.” We have been able to accomplish this recognition based on a great number of quality volunteers and Chub’s vision, dedication and leadership. His legacy will live on. Rochester is a better place due to Chub Stewart.