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Chad Behnken

Chad Behnken was born and raised in Rochester and is an owner of Hamilton Real Estate Brokerage and Development Firm. He has been with the company for 8 years but came into residential real estate by way of a banking career with IBM Credit Union, focusing mainly on collections and commercial banking. Ironically, his former IBM career came to him as a result of an aunt of a friend who set him up for an interview that he didn’t know he was having. The interview went so well he was offered a job, which he accepted, and continued for 16 years.

Chad’s wife, Amy, was the main support in making the decision to leave and she is the one that gave him the confidence to believe in himself. “We have been married 20 years and I can say without question that without her support I wouldn’t have made the career change and certainly wouldn’t be where I am today without her ongoing support.” Chad’s expertise in the banking and commercial real estate markets provide a vast level of expertise and network connection in the Rochester market and has made him a valued member of the Rochester Sports Foundation (RSF).

Travel is a huge priority in Chad’s life. He, along with his wife and their two children, traveled recently to Thailand. The family values the history, cultural insight and education that comes with understanding people in different parts of the world. His hope is that his children will have a purpose in life, experience respectfulness and gain an open-mindedness free from judgment. This view emanates from the grounding and influence provided him by his parents for which he is very grateful.

“I really enjoy being on the board of the RSF, being in the company of good people who believe in our community,” stated Chad. “I really look forward to every meeting and to being in the company of really smart people. Additionally, being part of the board while the proposed Rochester Sports and Recreation Complex is taking shape is very exciting. I want to see us continue to grow as an organization and offer more opportunities, contribute to the development of youth sports and be more visible in our community.”

“This too shall pass” is a phrase that resonates with Chad. He states, “It is an admonition for both all the bad, which does not last forever, and the same for all the good.” His life goal is to be genuine, to be credible and to put others before himself. It is board members like Chad that make RSF the strong and vital organization it is.