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Sports Hall of Fame Coming to Rochester?

By Carole Shulman

October 22, 2024

As the design and development of the new Rochester Sports and Recreation Complex takes shape is there a need for a Rochester Sports Hall of Fame? Could it be incorporated into the design of the new facility? Would it add to the atmosphere while recognizing and honoring the accomplishments of our athletes, teams, coaches, officials and administrators? These questions are now being asked, and considered, as plans move forward.

Ed Hruska, Director of the Rochester Sports Foundation, has brought the idea to the team of leaders from the City and their partners, OVG and Sports Academy. “In our visits to other sports complexes we noticed this concept and started to ask why not here? We have had so many great athletic stories come out of the Rochester area and feel they should be on display tying into the fabric of the new complex. At least it seems worth consideration in my eyes.”

What exactly this would look like has not been determined or approved. It is simply a conceptional idea at this time. The idea was introduced to the City and OVG/SA during a recent meeting and the response was positive, with more work on the idea to come. 

“I think it is a great idea – perhaps incorporating into some of the wall space of the complex” stated a member of the OVG team. He added they will plan to keep it in mind as they move into the design phase of the facility. In other facilities they have been involved with they have displayed a jersey from each of the area high schools, teams and clubs. “It is their facility after all, why not put that on display?”

The group seemed supportive as Hruska described the concept of gathering up data from the past and present. “I love it” stated OVG’s Anna Rosberg who is heading up the project with her team and the City team. 

Hruska, a lifetime resident of Rochester and previous Executive Director of the Rochester Sports Commission (now Rochester Sports) and current Director of the Rochester Sports Foundation envisions putting all sports history into one location to honor and remember sports highlights over the past years and to create a place for area sports successes of the future. His plans are to run it by the Rochester Sports Foundation Board of Directors for feedback at the October meeting. If approved it would be up to the City and OVG to determine how it is incorporated into the facility. Hruska stated he would start by rounding up a group of sports leaders from the area to get their input. 

He stated everyone he has talked to loves the idea and feels it is the right place to make this happen. “We have a rich sports history in this community. I believe it is time we pull it together and do it in a way the community can learn from and be proud of.”

Facility design is just getting under way so the timing seems to be right. With proper planning and some cooperative work within the community a new Rochester Sports Hall of Fame could become a reality!